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Chemo Round 5 Complete!

June 10th

Today was a chemo day. Hard to believe we’re on round 5. Sammy was quite the mamma’s boy at the oncologist’s office – one of the technicians came out to get him and he refused to go with her. So, I walked him towards the back and got him through the lab door and went back to the waiting room with Macklin. Well, when I looked back a few minutes later, he was still in the same spot refusing to move – apparently he could hear me and put the breaks on! He finally went back and I was assured he was an angel – I’ll take their word for it – ha! Mack was spoiled by all in the waiting room as usual – he becomes very torn with what to do with himself – use his x-ray vision staring at the door trying to see Sammy or accept treats and belly rubs – treats and belly rubs usually wins out with an occasional break to see if his super powers have kicked in yet. Sammy got through the appointment fine and off we went. We stopped at the store for treats on the way home but Sammy seemed beat so we kept it short. I laughed when some guy yelled across the store, “hey, what’s the matter with him!” Really dude….what’s the matter with you????

Sam had a good afternoon but is a little out of sorts tonight. Lots of barking for no reason – I really wish he could talk! I hate when he gets like this – he barks at nothing and then Mack starts barking because he thinks they are going to play. Macklin really misses the rough housing! I feel badly when he gives up – he loves playing with us, but I know it’s not the same.

June 11th

Great day – Sammy is awesome. He seems to be just fine. Appetite and energy are normal – he loves his yogurt cups. Go Sammy!

June 12th

One step forward and two steps back – he’s sick today. He typically starts his down turn on day 2 – it’s just delayed this round (we were clearly overly optimistic about plowing through this round – sigh). Cerenia is our friend – ha! The boys got some fresh air on the porch but otherwise, Sammy stayed close to me.

Here’s the look I get if I leave his side….

June 13th

He’s got the sparkle back in his eyes – he’s such a good patient. He’s still a bit out of sorts but much better. So after dinner, I decided to take the boys to the park before we hunkered down to watch the Stanley Cup game. Well, we got to the close park behind the house and Sammy hopped right by (much to Macklin’s delight). So we hopped up the hill to the next park and the boys found a new friend immediately….a sweet girl (a 1-year old Golden) named Kai. She was lightening fast. Sammy couldn’t keep up but boy did he try! He romped all over the park…I was thinking I would definitely need to call JB to get us home. Sammy had a grand time! (And many thanks to Kai’s Dad for the extra poop bag….Sammy had the post-chemo poops so I exhausted my on-hand supply!) He was completely tuckered out but managed the walk home…we had a few rest stops but he did fine. He was smiling from ear to ear when he got home. It was just what he needed…Macklin too. We hope we can play with Kai again!

4 Responses so far »

  1. Leslie said,

    June 14, 2011 @ 3:51 pm     Reply

    Sammy, you and your brother are gorgeous boys! Glad to hear you’re feeling good. Those puppy dog eyes over the back of the couch are enough to melt a person’s heart.


    • samsamsmom said,

      June 14, 2011 @ 4:58 pm     Reply

      I know what you mean…they absolutely melt us. We completely know that come chemo weekends, we’ll just be sitting by his side 24/7 because we can’t resist the look – well, and it stinks to feel icky all by yourself.

  2. chilidawg said,

    June 14, 2011 @ 4:01 pm     Reply

    Glad that Sammy is feeling better! I hope he can play with Kai again soon 🙂

  3. admin said,

    June 14, 2011 @ 6:24 pm     Reply

    Pawesome! thanks for the update.


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