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Sammy’s Weekend

I want to thank each and every one of you for the kind notes of support! This community is amazing and the words of encouragement are always so helpful. I think we’re in a good place, but as you all know, the “stay positive” messages are always a boost. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Well, as usual, we had a great weekend. We were just out and about and enjoying our time with the boys. Sam had his typical Monday blues today – he hates when we go off to work. But Mondays mean Rich time (our walker) and he LOVES his Rich time so it’s a good trade off.

He looks pretty happy for a sick guy, doesn’t he?

Sam made it perfectly clear that his ride in the truck was not long enough – and he refused to get out! No, I will not go in the house…..


And here are my 3 tired boys chilling on the porch….recapping all the stories of fun from over the weekend – they love catching up and sharing all the boy stuff!



6 Responses so far »

  1. etgayle said,

    September 26, 2011 @ 7:53 pm     Reply

    wonderful pictures…that’s one happy pup – he doesn’t let a silly think like cancer ruin his great weekend!!! love the one of the boys on the porch, happy times!

    charon & gayle

    • samsamsmom said,

      September 27, 2011 @ 12:50 pm     Reply

      Thanks Charon — I love the boys on the porch too. I got tons of pics but most of them have “alien” eyes – ha! I grin from ear to ear when the boys chill together –it always makes me happy. JB and Macklin look like they are actaully having a good story time!

  2. chilidawg said,

    September 26, 2011 @ 8:23 pm     Reply

    awesome pictures! love the one where he won’t get out of the truck! it’s funny how they can be stubborn isn’t it?

    • samsamsmom said,

      September 27, 2011 @ 12:51 pm     Reply

      Isn’t it funny! I actually had to go get JB to coax him out of the truck. The only thing he wanted from me was to get back in and drive so the looks I was getting were priceless!

  3. Charley's Mom said,

    September 29, 2011 @ 12:15 am     Reply

    Love it!!! Your boy Sammy knows what he wants ! So….did you end up taking him on another truck ride?

    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Ellen & Charley

    • samsamsmom said,

      September 29, 2011 @ 2:49 pm     Reply

      Ha – unfortunately not right then — a little later! We’re very excited for the weekend — it’s October 1st which means all beaches are ours! Dogs are allowed on the beach — all of them – as of the 1st so Sammy has his pick! My house will be filthy this weekend with sand and wet dog and I love it!

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