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Sammy’s Smile

We had a really nice weekend. Just lots of chill time for the most part. The weather was beautiful and Sam spent most of the days just basking in the sun. It was great to watch him just enjoy the sun and the fresh air. We had a quick trip to the store to pick up some food for him….he LOVES the Red Dog. He definitely wanted to go in the pool, but Alex had the day off so we needed to schedule a swim for next weekend instead. We ran in to some friends at the store and Sam just soaked up all the ear scratches from Grace! I think Sam wanted to take her home with him – she said her mom wouldn’t like that though! My favorite part was when one little girl said, “He’s a happy dog, I think he’s smiling at me!” Ya, he is a happy dog!

Yesterday the boys had a special treat – they got to visit with some of their favorite kids, Cassidee, Greyson and Allyssa. Greyson had a football game so we got to go watch. Sam and Macklin don’t quite get the cheering thing….so when people start cheering and clapping, they just start barking. It was a little funny because it sounded like they are cheering for the team! Sam’s energy was fantastic…made us look a little silly when we told people he was sick. He ran around the track at the field like he was a puppy. After the game we went back to their house for dinner…it was a nice, relaxing day and really good to spend some time together. The boys were exhausted when they got home and completely crashed when we got in the door. Sam definitely requires more down time these days…it just takes him longer to get his energy back after having a busy day. That’s ok though….just fine by us!


8 Responses so far »

  1. AbbysMom said,

    November 7, 2011 @ 3:31 pm     Reply

    He’s so amazing! Such a warrior!

    That’s funny about them barking when you cheer. Abby goes nuts too when we watch foootball or othher sports on TV. If we get excited and yell “Go!” or if we cheer, she jumps up and starts running around the living room and barking.

    Keep kicking cancer butt, Sammy! Abby sends lots of kisses to all of you, but especially to that handsome Sammy,
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

    • samsamsmom said,

      November 7, 2011 @ 3:44 pm     Reply

      That is exactly what Sam and Macklin do – also if we sing Happy Birthday! It’s the same reaction if the Patriots win the Super Bowl or if I turn 40 something — ha!

      Thanks for all the kisses Abby – we def feel all the love out this way!

      xoxo Sue and Sammy

  2. riosmom said,

    November 7, 2011 @ 4:50 pm     Reply

    Sue and Sammy,

    So happy you had another beautiful weekend to share. All the adoration and admiration from our fans can definitely take it out of you though. Me and my Monkeybutt sisters are having Coma Monday because of our big day yesterday. It was fun, but even stars need a little down time to recharge the batteries.

    Keep on truckin’ buddy.

    Your friend, Rio

    • samsamsmom said,

      November 7, 2011 @ 10:34 pm     Reply

      Rio girl, you’re in a different stratosphere with adoration and admiration – – it may be Coma Monday, Tuesday and Wedensday for you! That was some day you had! You looked beautiful and we were real proud!

      xoxo Sue and Sammy

  3. chilidawg said,

    November 8, 2011 @ 2:20 am     Reply

    Finchy is the same way when we cheer- he just starts barking- good times! Every time I see pictures of your boys, I am in awe at how handsome they are- they are such beautiful dogs!


    • samsamsmom said,

      November 8, 2011 @ 4:53 am     Reply

      Thanks Jenna – they are pretty cool! As beautiful as they are, the best thing about Berners is their personality. They make us happy!

      So glad my boys are not the only cheering freaks…they were maniacs yesterday! It was fun to see Sam so full of energy though!

  4. doggiemomma9 said,

    November 11, 2011 @ 1:15 am     Reply

    I’m so happy about your fantastic weekend Sammy! Keep up that energy! It makes everyone happy to see you so energetic and happy. =)

    nancy & butchey

  5. Kristin Red Dog said,

    November 12, 2011 @ 6:08 pm     Reply

    Please go to the Boston red Dog Facebook page to see the video of Super Sammy!

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