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Sammy’s Weekend

Sam continues to do ok considering his lung met “situation”. His breathing changes little by little every few days and he coughs a bit more. He’s not coughing a ton but when he does, it’s much harder. We can hear a faint rattle in his breathing and on Saturday he coughed up spots of blood. Not the fluidy reddish spots we’ve had for the past couple of weeks but some real blood. We were not alarmed as our oncologist told us to expect it at some point but it still feels like a punch in the gut. Sigh. We called our oncologist and had a long chat and decided it was time to put him on Prednisone. She’s so wonderful and gave me plenty of time to think and talk even though it was early on Saturday evening. We just want to keep him comfortable. We upped our dog walker to 2x per day just to keep an extra eye on him…especially since one of the side effects is increased urination. He’s such a trooper. He’s still eating well and has good energy so he’s not giving up yet…and therefore neither are we!

Sam had a great trip to the Public Gardens in Boston yesterday. He had great energy and loved all the attention from kids and other folks saying hello. We just strolled around for 2 hours – walking and sitting in the grass. Macklin was on high alert for squirrels so he was a little annoying at times but otherwise it was great. Here’s a picture on the bridge over the pond…there were many people taking wedding photographs and Sam definitely wanted in those pictures.


He did have one obnoxious moment – he wanted to go swimming in the pond (ick!) and so he plopped himself down at the top of the stairs and refused to move! And he just let everyone coming up the stairs step over him! As you can see, he’s laser focused on getting to the pond. He had a huge crowd of people taking his picture so he was hamming it up….and knew I would eventually give in!


And of course I did! We were sitting on the ground and every few minutes he would inch closer to the water….he really wanted to jump in to chase the ducks!


I love our weekends together!


Sam here – I needed to sneak on the computer to air a grievance. My mom and dad went out for a birthday dinner on Friday evening for my friends Jeff and John – “the Twins”. Well, I would have liked to celebrate with the Twins too….I’m well behaved so they could have brought me to the fancy smancy restaurant. I got a steak out of it anyway so that’s not really what I’m mad about. My daddy got a big pink gorilla in a tutu to come to the fancy smancy restaurant to sing and dance! What?!? That would have been awesome. I would have ripped him from limb to limb. The Twins did nothin’….not even one bite. I could have demolished that singing gorilla…much better than the Twins….I’m just sayin’.


6 Responses so far »

  1. AbbysMom said,

    October 24, 2011 @ 3:06 pm     Reply

    Hooray Sam! Glad to hear you are still loving life! Sounds like a great day at the garden.

    I know you would have made minced meat out of that gorilla!

    Hang in there Sam; we’re pulling for you!! Abby sends lots of kisses,
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

  2. etgayle said,

    October 24, 2011 @ 4:28 pm     Reply

    sam, sorry to hear about your coughing, but it sounds like you are making the best of every day, and that’s the secret of loving life. we agree with abby, you would have made minced meat out of that sissy gorilla!!!

    charon & gayle

  3. rumblesmom said,

    October 24, 2011 @ 5:21 pm     Reply

    Way to persevere and get your way at the pond, Sam! I like that!

  4. riosmom said,

    October 24, 2011 @ 6:37 pm     Reply

    We are hoppy to see you enjoying every minute. Sorry to hear your dad wouldn’t let you in on the giant stuffed toy. That would have been so much fun ripping all of that stuffing to bits. And sorry your pawrents wouldn’t let you chase the ducks. Pawrents can be such pawty-poopers sometimes….

    Rio and her posse

  5. chilidawg said,

    October 24, 2011 @ 9:11 pm     Reply

    Love the perseverence on the pond swimming. That’s how you get your way! LOVE IT! Also loved the part where you made people step over you on the stairs. I think the people in the wedding should have asked you to be in the pictures- you’re already wearing a tuxedo! Sorry about the cough, but glad to hear you’re still fighting 🙂 I know you would have beaten the snot out of the gorilla!

    Jenna & Spirit Chili Dawg

  6. samsamsmom said,

    October 24, 2011 @ 10:29 pm     Reply

    Thanks so much everyone — he really is doing awesome all things considered! I had so many laughs at the park yesterday…the stubborness is kind of funny….it’s so not him but we’ve spoiled him so much these last 7 months that he’s a bit bratty. I find it amusing. I so appreciate all the great thoughts and love coming our way. I was a little nervous starting the Prednisone today – I sent Rich (our super fabulous dog walker) a note this afternoon to check in and his response made me laugh – “I think it’s all a hoax.” Ha….whatever it is, I’ll take it!

    P.S. – would have been amazing to see Sammy have a go with the gorilla!

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