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Tired Boy

Sammy Boy is still trying to catch up on sleep from his weekend away! The nasty lung mets can really wear a boy out. He’s doing well so far this week. Breathing and cough are the same…no changes. He’s eating so well. I know part of it is from the Prednisone, but his appetite was great before we started him on that. We’re just happy because it keeps his energy up…well aside from this picture. We have an oncologist appointment on Friday to check in. We’re on the fence about whether or not to have x-rays done. The results just really don’t matter at this point. That being said, I guess would be good to know what the mets are doing…aside from having a party…grrrr. We’ll see. Just thought you all may laugh at Sammy crashing in his pile of toys! xo

8 Responses so far »

  1. AbbysMom said,

    November 2, 2011 @ 3:30 pm     Reply

    Sweet baby. Dreaming about his lovely weekend!

    Kiss that sweet nose for Abby and me!

  2. riosmom said,

    November 2, 2011 @ 5:38 pm     Reply

    We call that “post-party coma” at our house! Love that sweet face! Rest up, handsome boy! Then give your pawrents some lovies from us!

    Rio and the Monkey-girls

  3. samson007 said,

    November 2, 2011 @ 10:49 pm     Reply

    I just read about Inn By The Sea on CNN Travel….it looks wonderful! We are so happy that Sammy had a great time. It looks like he is so content!

  4. Alyssa said,

    November 2, 2011 @ 11:51 pm     Reply

    Awww, I think you should go over and snuggle up for a nap with him. He looks all soft and warm and cuddly!

  5. Charley's Mom said,

    November 3, 2011 @ 4:14 am     Reply

    Too Cute!!! Charley does the same thing! Even though he’s a lab. he gathers i.e. herds, his babies and then uses them for a pillow.

    Sweet dreams Sammy!!!!

    Hugs and chocolate kisses,
    Ellen & Charley xoxo

  6. chilidawg said,

    November 3, 2011 @ 9:23 pm     Reply

    Awww, he looks so sweet! Finchy wants to snuggle him, because he looks nice and warm 🙂

  7. Kristin Red Dog said,

    November 4, 2011 @ 12:56 am     Reply

    Hi Sam-just thinking of you! Sooo glad you got to go away 😉

  8. jerry said,

    November 4, 2011 @ 4:12 pm     Reply

    Gnawing on toys is hard work, isn’t it?

    Hey Sammy, keep on keepin’ on, you’re showing us all how to live life the right way!

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