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Macklin and Archibald’s Adventures

Hello! Once again, it’s been much, much too long between posts. Despite the lags in keeping in touch, please know we think of all our friends often! We’ve had a great summer. The boys are doing fantastic. Archibald is now 1 ½…..and still full of it! Not a week goes by where JB and I […]

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Hello to all our Friends

Hello Everyone!  I know, I know, it’s been all together way too long since we’ve posted…but it doesn’t mean we don’t think of our many friends frequently!  We had a crazy hectic 2012 and a similar start to 2013.  All is fine, just passing us by much too quickly.  Anyway, thought we would just say […]

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Summer is Great

Hello all our friends! So sorry we haven’t touched base very much. The summer is ticking by at a crazy pace, as usual. We’re having a fun summer and Macklin and Archibald are doing great. Archibald is growing like a weed…well, faster than a weed to be honest. He’s been gaining about 4 pounds a […]

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New Monkey Butt in Town!

Well, it’s been quite some time since out last post. We made it through the holidays after sending Sam to the bridge the day before Thanksgiving. It wasn’t a great holiday season but we made the most of it. Once January kicked in, all heck broke loose at work and I’ve been jammed up awful […]

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Brave Warrior

My heart is breaking as I write to share that we set Sam free at the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon.  It’s been a difficult 24 hours to say the least, but he is now running free with all our tripawd friends.  Bear with me as I fear my computer may crash from all my tears […]

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Beach Time

We had some unseasonably warm weather this past weekend – which meant a trip to the beach! And we didn’t just hit one beach – we hit 2 beaches. We went to Sammy’s swimming beach first – he doesn’t need to go far in the water for it to drop off so he can swim […]

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Monday Update

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Sammy had a hydro massage with Alex on Saturday – as always, he was in heaven. It’s just so amazing to see how relaxed he is when he gets in the pool. Macklin continues to just prefer to run around the pool like a maniac which is fine with […]

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Happy 8 Month Ampuversary!

Well, today is Sam’s 8 month ampuversary. Hard to believe our tripaw journey started way back on March 8th. At times if feels like yesterday and at other times it feels like years. I read back at our post from the day we dropped him off 8 months ago – it was so bitter sweet. […]

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Sammy’s Smile

We had a really nice weekend. Just lots of chill time for the most part. The weather was beautiful and Sam spent most of the days just basking in the sun. It was great to watch him just enjoy the sun and the fresh air. We had a quick trip to the store to pick […]

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Super Sammy

We had an oncology appointment yesterday – for the first time in 8 months I wasn’t even anxious – no more  bad news left to receive.  I love our oncology office – Emily, the tech was so caring and concerned with how Sam was doing.  And we simply love Dr. Cronin – she is so […]

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